Elijah Burrell is the author of the poetry collections Skies of Blur (EastOver Press, 2024), TROUBLER (Aldrich Press, 2018), and The Skin of the River (Aldrich Press, 2014). In 2010, he received the Jane Kenyon Scholarship at Bennington College, where he earned his MFA in Writing and Literature at Bennington’s Writing Seminars. His work has appeared in publications such as AGNI, The Hopkins Review, North American Review, Southwest Review, The Rumpus, Sugar House Review, and Measure, and has been featured on the Slowdown podcast. He was named a 2019 Claudia Emerson Scholar for the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Since 2012, he has taught creative writing and literature at Lincoln University, where he serves as Professor of English and received the 2023 Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education.